Are you wondering how you should go about choosing the right condo front desk management software for you? Read on and learn more here.

Condominiums are only increasing in popularity thanks to the benefits they have over typical family homes. From a more community-oriented setting to the various services a condo complex can provide, buyers and renters can’t seem to get enough! These services, while lucrative, can make condo management a hassle.
With so many different things to keep track of, you might consider front desk management software. Far from being a mere digital guestbook, the proper management software can optimize your entire operation.
If you haven’t considered front desk software before, read on to learn the different features on offer and tips on what to look for.
Keep a Digital Master Calendar For Staff And Residents
Making condo management easier starts with making all your essential data accessible in one place. When it comes to data, not much is more essential than your property’s schedule. Most programs will come with a master calendar.
This calendar will allow your staff to post and edit events for your property. This will allow you to keep track of routine maintenance as well as inform staff of upcoming events. Events can usually be edited, and the edits will be visible to all staff.
Does your property have amenities? If so, make sure you keep an eye out for software that has amenity booking! Booking applications will allow residents to browse availability and sign up for their own time from their phone or computer.
Usually, property management software will include a resident portal. This portal will serve as the primary means that your residents interact with your management software. Residents will be able to pay rent and communicate with management through here.
Additionally, resident portals often have community calendar features. With a community calendar, you can post a schedule of various residential events. This can include barbecues, birthday parties, and more!
You can also use a community calendar as a means to announce upcoming work. If you have recurring landscaping work, you could also set up weekly reminders.
Digital Databases That Are Easy To Access And Update
The most clear benefit to management software is keeping track of your residents. Front desk software will allow you to create and manage individual profiles for each unit.
Some software will allow you to attribute different entries from your database to these profiles. This can be anything from parking violations to copies of lease agreements. You’ll also be able to access an overview of your managed units through a dashboard.
Who can access these files can be set using access controls. Using access controls, you can protect your residents’ personal information.
Some property management software will also allow you to streamline parking management. You’ll be able to assign parking spots and storage lockers to residents. You may also log details such as the model of the vehicle assigned to a specific spot.
More advanced software may come with self-parking options. This allows residents to sign up for and print a visitor parking pass without needing to go to the front desk.
Paperwork isn’t only a hassle; it can increase your overhead too. Luckily, front desk management software can turn your bureaucracy digital!
Most programs will feature the ability to store standard documents and generate various forms of paperwork as well. Forms and reports are often generated automatically. You may also be able to automate sending receipts to residents.
Ease of Communications Between Residents And Staff
Imagine a scenario where a stranger is seen wandering around your property for much of the day. Using your software’s resident portal, tenants can file a report, which will become instantly visible to your front desk manager. Your front desk manager can then contact security to have the stranger looked into.
Once the incident is handled, your software will also send reports to management. Automated reporting means nobody is left out of the loop.
Not every situation will be as dramatic as a stranger on your property. Property management software can also help residents in the event of a sudden leak or breakage! Usually, through a resident portal, tenants can submit maintenance requests online.
Some software will also allow maintenance staff to post updates to residents. Others have a “tracker” that can staff update as they progress through a job.
Have outside owners that run a handful of units? Condo management programs can be set up to allow them to remotely manage their units.
Using access controls, you can allow owners access to their unit listings. From here, they can manage their residents and keep tabs on them. They can also receive permission to post documents such as leases to your database.
Property management software makes running your properties easier, but it can also foster a community! Some software includes what can be referred to as a “digital corkboard” for residents to use.
Th will allow your tenants to advertise their own services, events, and items they have for sale. If you’re looking for a way to make your residents feel more at home, definitely look for software with community features!
If your front desk staff sends out weekly newsletters, front desk software can make it easier. Most software has an “email blast” feature that will let you send an announcement to all residents at once.
Additionally, some more advanced software will let you send emails only to specific residents. For example, if you have a single building in need of roof repairs, you can notify that building’s residents without bothering anyone else.
Make Front Desk Management Easier With The Proper Hardware
Did you know that property management software providers often have hardware that goes with it?
While the hardware offered by providers varies, most pertains to a specific feature. Let’s use package handling as an example.
One part of condo management that proves to be rather tricky is handling packages. With the rise of online shopping, your property likely has quite a lot of packages flowing into it each day.
Luckily, many brands of property management software offer package tracking features. A provider might offer a barcode scanner and signature pad as accessories.
A package can be processed through using the barcode scanner. When the resident comes to pick up their package, the scanner can recall the package in your database. After this, your resident only needs to sign using the digital pad.
Providers may also offer hardware such as digital kiosks. These digital kiosks can serve a wide variety of needs.
Residents may check the community calendar or look at amenity availability. Some kiosks may even be set up to allow for digital rent payment. Others feature card readers, and can be set up to manage access for an amenity or building.
Go Fully Digital With Virtual Property Management
Did you know the right combination of front desk management software and the proper hardware can take your property management entirely virtual?
Not every software is capable of this though. Only some brands of front desk management software support virtual property management.
Whether it’s through a kiosk set up in your lobby or the camera of your customer’s phone, virtual management software will allow you to still talk to residents face-to-face. Often the software will also have the same features as call center programs, allowing you to queue and transfer calls as needed.
If you work with a security company, you may also talk to them about virtual concierge services. Some front desk management software supports virtual concierge by default. These services allow face-to-face interaction even during overnight hours.
Pushing certain administrative positions to a remote office can help reduce your bottom line.
Think of it like this: if you have a dedicated administrative team remotely serving your properties, your front desk manager has more time to address the needs of your residents!
Finding The Right Desk Management Software
The benefits afforded by property management software are many. Not only can you streamline your operation to lessen overhead, but you can also even shunt some positions to a remote office to save even more money!
While there are many options on the market for front desk management software, only some have all the key features discussed above in one package.
MyCondoLink Aquarius, A Feature Complete Condo Management Platform
MyCondoLink’s revolutionary Aquarius condo management software possesses all the management tools you need to run your properties smoothly and efficiently.
Aquarius streamlines your operation using a powerful search engine to parse internal databases, and by putting easy-to-use communications tools into the hands of your staff. Aquarius is the ONLY front desk management software to automate online bookings fully.
If you’re ready to modernize and streamline your property, book an Aquarius demo for your property today!